While the latest Keane's Perfect Symmetry going 80s ( aiseyy..wheres the sweet melancholy melodies?) and Snow Patrol's A Hundred Million Suns trying to be 'epic' (16min song? oh come on..nak jadi Dream Theater ke?), The Killers' latest Day and Age stick to the old formula in their last 2 release (3 if you count Sawdust)... and it works. Get ready nak dengar 1st single Human hari2 kat radio. Kalau suka The Killers dari dulu, this one wont dissapoint.
And speaking of Snow Patrol, i just heard Leona Lewis cover their song Run. I dont usually like pop stars butchering rock songs ( ingat Beyonce, Britney, and Pink cover "We Will Rock You"? arghhh rosak!) , but this one cool gak. She really can sing la.. I approved..haha.
always good to have some nice music to get through the @#$%^& week.
* ahli rombongan merayau setiawan lepas makan kenduri... layan taman paya bakau lepak sama kera ( btw beb, gua tak reti nak photoshop lah kasi perut tu jadik kecik sket..huahuahua)
*kera tgh layan blues. cool gak lepak sini.
walaupon sampai umah dah tgh malam baek punyer barai, it was still a cool and fun trip. Ujung bulan satu lagi trip kawen - layan Teluk Intan plak. (Tak mampu g Bali, Teluk Intan pon bolee laa)