Apr 9, 2009

You know this boogie is for real

Betul beb, it takes two to tango.
kalau rasa2 macam kita sorg jek atas dance floor tu, hentikan lah.
Bukan tak bole tango sorg2, cuma macm pelik la pulak rasanya..tul?

Apa boleh kita buat, tukar lagu lain.
Masih boleh breakdancing/headbanging sorang2 ape.
Sedapkan hati sendiri, alaahh.. tango tu bukan nyer best sgt!

(mungkin ini revelation selepas menonton Jay Kay tempoh hari)


rawsktar said...

adakah kes syok sendiri?

PerverdZ said...

syok sendirik tu buruk sgr bunyik nyer. The feeling is not mutual lagi sedap skit dgr kot hehehe... zassss!

sally said...

hey dude. lama tak buzz. you tgk jay kay? kaki gatal tak. mine itch like mad. so menyesal pegi f1. haha

anyway, cheer up dearie... jgn down down.

PerverdZ said...

kaki tak gatal pon sally.. maybe sebab byk bulu kot ade protection haha..

eh tx for the words.. maybe i need it more than i realize. :)