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Q: Shaken or stirred, sir? A:Do I look like I give a damn?
Ok aku tau aku lewat beberapa kurun tapi aku rasa elok gak aku tgk cite ni lepas orang lain suma dah tgk sebab aku takkan terpengaruh sgt dgn ckp sape2. Masa mula2 diorg announced Daniel Craig nak jadi the next 007, aku rasa cam tak best gak sebab dia ni the first blond James Bond (insert blond joke here kalau tau ) + tak penah tgk dia berlakon mane2 movie pon. Tapi lepas tgk ni, im convinced they made right decision la. He gave a new fresh feel to the character making it interesting again. Be honest beb, korang ingat ke cite Bond yg lepas2? Aku tak tgk semua tapi satu pon tak melekat cam yg satu ni bagi aku. Memang best layan sambil makan popcorn/kerepek pisang!
-Bond is imperfectly human after all.
-karekter awek Bond kali ni dah 'sexy' without the need to show of her body in bikini. (not that i mind hukhuk..)
-takde gadget merepek2 (Bond pakai Vaio & Sony Eric K810i jek)
-storyline pon ok gak aku rasa. takde villain yg jahat gile babi nak memusnahkan dunia macam selalu.
-the action scenes la of coz
-part intro mase theme song chris cornell tu layan gak. Lagu tu pon best.
kurang best:
-err..takde gadget merepek2
-aston martin tu kejap kejap screen time dia?
-awek bond mati huhu
looking foward to the next one...Quantum of Solace coming soon late this year!
rating: 4 pistol (+ silencer) out of 5
kalau nak nak tau camner buat gamba atas tu, ade kat sini
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