May 10, 2009

Panggil Mulder and Scully

Facebook gue telah hilang secara tiba2 dari muka bumi. Pelik..macam one of those Twilight Zone/ The Outer Limits series. Baru jek ari tu bleh login macam biasa, tetiba 2,3 ari lepas dah tak leh.
And none of my friends noticed i suddenly vanish haha..

did somebody hack/login and deleted my account?
or did facebook admin found out my stalking/illegal downloading habit and decided to delete it without my knowing?
or did the time warp in Star Trek have changed the timeline now my facebook account no longer exist in this present time/dimension?
or maybe i accidentally deleted my own account di bawah sedar/kena pukau?

Persoalan seterusnya, perlu ke nak buat balik ke menatang facebook ni?

jgn biarkan hidup anda diselubungi misteri...

*yea right, like we dont have anything else to do


~si gigi besi... said...

ha'ah la wei..ilang!!!!!

PerverdZ said...

tu la pasal.... misteri siuttt!