Dec 7, 2007

Membaca itu jambatan ilmu..... (or something like that)

From: Maria Ann []
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 7:34 PM
To: 'Anitha Hamid'; '0-JM-Jo'; '0-LC-Lewis'; 'Maria Ann'; '0-ML-Min Lee'; '0-RG-Roshini'; '0-SA-Syahrul'; '0-SM-Santhi'; '0-SS-Sharmini'; '0-TN-Terry'; '0-YA-Yvonne'; '0-YP-Yen Phin'; '0-ZZ-Zul'

Subject: Targets Meeting-FYE08Q2-decisions-updated

Hi All,

RM 52 will be given to each PPer in this thread for Q4’s achievement. Of RMXXX K.
Please take note:

2. Second tier: Amount reached beyond 1st tier: X% of the additional amount to be given out in cash for use either
a. self actualisation: educational purposes. eg books [this is extended to any items you can get from a bookstore including CDs, stationery etc], classes for areas of improvement/interests [eg music class].
b. social transformation: donation to a cause or person from which/whom you do not expect direct benefits (e.g. you can't donate to a family member or close friend)

Please collect the cash from me.
The Second tier bonus booth will be open from now till December 24th.

Thank you


So, buku mender aku nak beli ni agak2 nyer?

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