Feb 29, 2008

Farewell Batmobile

Its been fun driving you around all these years, mate. Hope the guys from Malaysian Care will treat you better than i/we do.
You've been a good (albino) batmobile!


Hari ini 29th Feb - aku nak buat something extraordinary sikit hari ni. Its a nice date to remember till the next leap year i think. Buat pertama kalinya, just out of curiosity... aku gi ceramah politix secara sukarela malam tadi. Masih misteri apa pasal ntah election kali ni aku bleh ter excited lebih plak.

and its nice to know that i've brighten up someone's day today. ..
even if its in a small microscopic way. :P

Feb 28, 2008

World Press Photo of The Year - Spot News: 1st prize stories

The Assassination of Benazir Bhutto
Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 27 December 2007

"I turned on my flash, but just before resetting the lens, I turned and glanced back at her car.

Just then I heard three shots, which sounded as if they were fired from close to her car. I watched her drop down through the sunroof, and I raised my camera, my finger pressed down on the shutter release.

Just as the camera came up in front of my face, the bomb went off.

The suicide bomber had set off his charge behind her car. My camera caught the blast itself and the horrible debris it spewed into the air: pieces of car, chunks of cement, human flesh. The boom was deafening, but her car - and the bodies of her supporters - shielded me from the force of the blast. I was about 20 yards from the explosion, maybe less.

The bomb triggered an immediate stampede of survivors and I was momentarily swept up in the exodus. I shot a blur of people as I too got pushed back in the wave of panic...."

text + photo from the photographer's news blog


the rest of the series + lagi dan lagi gambar sempoi2 World Press Photo kat sini!

Feb 22, 2008

you say potayto, i say kentang

: beb ko free ke tak? aku nak dtg umah ko lepak2, ambik mp3/stuff baru

W: ada2 dtg jek. bwk la buah tangan sekali, takkan kosong jek kot.

V: cun. kau nak pe? pompuan tak de

W: tiger beb 2x

V: oi sejak bila lak ko minum ni? takde keje aku nak belikan benda haram tu plak. aku ckp bapak ko siap ah ko kena belasah!

W: wahahaha.. cepat betui ko melatah. belikan aku biskut tiger coklat tu la 2x. yang ko makan umah aku ari tu lepas layan 3gp jahanam tu. kecoh ah lu mamat!

V: oo bizkut tu. ceh, bikin suspen aja dong! ok aku gerak skang. get ready teh o!

Feb 19, 2008

Message Send

Aku tau dia reply message aku sekadar nak being polite aje. Tak lebih, tak kurang (harap dia? jgn buang masa..sampai tahun depan pon belom tentu lagi inbox tu akan berisi). Tapi pesal ntah, itu jek dah cukup untuk aku terus rela menipu diri sendirik dan senyum sambil cakap; ahh...masih ade cahaya di hujung terowong gelap!

Reality check - cahaya di hujung terowong gelap tu datang dari kepala koc KTM Senandung Malam ke Singapura.

Feb 17, 2008

Buku layan: Support beb, support

Kasut Biru Rubina: Koleksi Fiksyen Pop Untuk Jiwa2 Hadhari
adalah sebuah himpunan cerpen pop berbahasa Melayu. Diilhamkan dari konsep sastera pakaibuang (disposable literature) yang dipelopori penulis Yahudi kelahiran Vienna, Hermann Broch, ia diharap dapat menghiburkan pembaca dalam beberapa waktu mereka terperangkap di latar urban ini (misalnya ketika di dalam elarti, tatkala menunggu awek/balak, sewaktu menanti azan sebelum berbuka atau menunaikan solat dsb). Selepas dibaca ia bolehlah dibuang atau lebih afdal lagi didermakan kepada mereka yang dahagakan bahan bacaan tapi tak mahu terjerumus dalam pembacaan remeh seperti membaca tanda jalan, kotak konflek, notis dari jawatankuasa kampung, majalah mangga, atau surat pemberhentian kerja.


A woman wakes up without her body. A boy tries to endure the pain of being an adult when mini animals start to come out of his anus. What do you do when angels forgot to bring a unicorn for your daughter's birthday? And are all shoes evil or just the blue ones?

Many of the characters in Kasut Biru Rubina want to live ordinary lives. But the unexpected happen. Brief, shocking, and full of lies that can only come from the twisted mind of Nigerian scammers, Sufian Abas' stories are snapshots that illuminate the strange hidden in a world we never want to live in.

teks + grafik di cilok / lagi info bleh tanya otai kat sini

Wilayah Kutu.Check.
Projek Elarti. Check.
Kasut Biru Rubina.Check.
err..Aweks KL?

Feb 15, 2008

Project:Kill Boredom

Subject: Armored Core Rayleonard 03-Aaliyah (Injection Plastic Model Kit scale 1/72)
Objective: To eliminate
tanpa belas kasihan kebosanan yg melanda waktu weekend, cuti umum atau bile2 mase aje.
Start Date: 13/02/08
Estimated finish date: Entah. Sebulan, setahun..?
Helo Moto: Kebosanan lu itu hanyalah state of mind, brader.

Things happened for a reason, slalu org ckp.
but as cliche as it might sound, i think its true when they say... calm sea never make skillful sailors.
Hang on there, pumpkin. Everything will be just fine... :-)

Feb 8, 2008


(or tootles) :
A shortened, more casual version of the expression tourelou (French à tout à l'heure, see you soon.Anglicized as "toodle-oo"/Shortened form of toodeloo), meaning goodbye, farewell, see you soon.

Feb 6, 2008

Teratai Mewah Revisited

Eve of CNY smalam lepas keje, aku lepak port mamak biasa kita dulu - Anandur Teratai Mewah dgn Shah. Fuh..lain dah tempat tu skang.. sudah berubah beb. Makeover abis-abisan, diorg dah takeover kedai sebelah yang dulu hidup segan mati tak mau tu. Skang udah makin besar, ade tv lcd sangkut terus kat dinding, glass wall kiri kanan, counter tops/kitchen area baru, kipas besar, furniture baru...etc.etc. Cam biasa gak, whatever time of the day kita dtg lepak minum dulu pon, ramai ajek orang lepak situ. Staf makin ramai tapi si 'Rajini Khan' ade lagi situ + dia ingat lagi aku hahaha! This place used to be our canteen, bro! Aku layan chicken chop sambil TERlayan blues/nostalgia pulak dah smalam...

Blok umah pon skang dah lain aku tgk. Lebih teratur dah skang dgn ada management baru ni. Ade la rupa "Apartment Teratai Mewah" tu sket dari dulu. Lift jek yg still hampeh mcm dulu.
Kul 12 jap agi, kampung setinggan Cina blakang tu akan start 'firework show' diorg..
and balkoni 11-7-11 : the best seats in KL kalau nak tgk show bunga api CNY. a few metres jek dari ground zero, bunga api meletup depan mata non stop dekat sejam...layan sey, tak ingat?
damn, i miss that.
(yah...masterpiece sang vandalists.. mungkin dah di cat balik!)

Teratai Mewah - days of black, white and grey. Such an awesome learning experience. Its an honour being apart of those days with you guys, fellow chemical brothers!

Feb 3, 2008

FT Day Weekend Mixbag

# a long due private psychedelic reel with Kam & Pijie. Its been awhile since the last time i/we had one...tx alot for the company, stories, laughs and bands recommendation (Reverend and the Makers bleh tahan cool!). Sorry beb, Eagle Nest gua bersepah sket!

*Some good movies : King of California, 2 Days in Paris, Wristcutters - A Love Story, The West Wittering Affair, Lions for Lambs, The Nines, Adrift in Manhattan, The Brave One.

~And not so good ones : The Comebacks, The Ten, Nitro.. blurgh.

^Usha-usha info IELTS. ( Damn mahal siut. nasib baik bleh claim...)

% had a quick drink with an ex colleague whos down in KL/JB for a few days for CNY celebration (She
married an american she met in match.com, now based in Guam.. lucky girl!).. and she got this for me! Tx You, Margaretttt........!!!

@Survived another family + sedara mara gathering thingie. (oh man, how come they never run out of ammo..?)

This coming weekend will be loong one too. Hope it will be as mixed up as this one..

+Got the Basement Recordz tshirt and You Wanna Gum, Sol-jah? book in the mail this morning.. ahh this monday is not bad at all!