Feb 15, 2008

Project:Kill Boredom

Subject: Armored Core Rayleonard 03-Aaliyah (Injection Plastic Model Kit scale 1/72)
Objective: To eliminate
tanpa belas kasihan kebosanan yg melanda waktu weekend, cuti umum atau bile2 mase aje.
Start Date: 13/02/08
Estimated finish date: Entah. Sebulan, setahun..?
Helo Moto: Kebosanan lu itu hanyalah state of mind, brader.

Things happened for a reason, slalu org ckp.
but as cliche as it might sound, i think its true when they say... calm sea never make skillful sailors.
Hang on there, pumpkin. Everything will be just fine... :-)

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